Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blogging Journal Day 3

I gave the site a rest for a few days towards the end of the week, figuring that Saturday through Monday would have more to observe with generally more NFL news, and because usually conducts a live blog for a Sunday game. On the site today, I see nothing that’s promoting a live blog for a week 10 game, and the last week to have a live blog was week 8. It’s disappointing because looking at the live blogs from previous weeks, they appear to be more personally disclosing between bloggers and tend to skew off topic, much more like a chat group from the Arpanet. Florio has close interaction with his users during the live blog, often taking and giving criticism. If there is a live blog for the Sunday night game or the Monday night game, I’ll observe and write about it the following entry.

One big flaw of this website I find, is its appearance and lack of easy accessibility to articles. The homepage of the sight displays the latest 5 post by Florio. However on Saturday, Sunday and the early days of the week, he posts 15 to 30 short articles a day. And when you go to the ‘Rumor Mill’ to search the latest stories, there all on one long string, making it difficult to sift through. I’m assuming the lack of dress up in the site (No pictures of players, or NFL gear), is due to Florio not being sanctioned with the NFL union, a probable reason for the sights onus on player behavior watch as well. Comments on game results in the upcoming days should be interesting, and perhaps ill contribute.

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